Twenty Seven Digital Secondary Logo Tan



Passion projects aren't just there to fill the time when there's no client work going on. I love to do them to openly design for a concept, business, product or customer I'm passionate about and it allows me to explore other areas of my creativity - which is always going to benefit my customers.

Aura is a sustainable, luxury swimwear brand aimed at the conscientious traveler - providing fashion forward, high-end designs. This was created with a monochromatic colour palette and luxury, delicate serif font type.


Premium . Motivational . Dreamy . Modern

Make today the day you decide to level up your business

View my packages for a custom branding experience or book me in for a project below. Getting in touch and kick starting the process is sometimes all you need to get the questions answered that you're thinking about, so book yourself in for a clarity call for a time that suits you.