Twenty Seven Digital Secondary Logo Tan

Scars Clothing

Brand & Website

Scars Clothing is a unisex fashion brand ran by Ryan - the name is based on how we all carry scars, be they physical, emotional or psychological. He's a strong believer from his own experience that scars should not hold us back or define us, we should wear them with pride, we survived and they are a part of who we are.

Ryan needed a new website that was up to date, secure and functional for his customers. The design of the site is focused to emphasise the fantastic products and message they carry.


Powerful . Relatable . Raw . Modern

Make today the day you decide to level up your business

View my packages for a custom branding experience or book me in for a project below. Getting in touch and kick starting the process is sometimes all you need to get the questions answered that you're thinking about, so book yourself in for a clarity call for a time that suits you.