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Easy custom Instagram bio links hosted on your website

The Instagram bio really is quite a crucial place to house your important links that you'd want people to click on. This might be your website homepage, your blog feed, your latest youtube video, or newest product launch.

But what you really want is to be able to showcase all of your links without constantly having the change them. This is why you'll often see links in Instagram bios which is free for the very basics, or $6 a month for more premium features.

But what if I told you, you could have multiple links within your Instagram bio hosted on your website. This means it has your website URL, perfectly seamless branding, is fully customisable and at no extra cost as it comes under your website plan.

How to build your Instagram links page

I build my websites in Webflow, but this can be done on any website platform builder:

  1. Simply create a new page
  2. If you have a website builder like Webflow that can control the view height/width of the page, set it to 100vh. This means it only shows a screen that's 100% of the viewport height and doesn't scroll (predominately mobile in this case). If you're on a website builder like Squarespace, then is should optimise it correctly for you.
  3. Make sure the page has no website header/footer, you want to make sure people only see your links. In Webflow a new page starts blank anyway, but in something like squarespace, you'll have to add some code in so they don't appear (click here to get the code).
  4. Add a background colour, gradient or image.
  5. Add your logo and welcome text.
  6. Add all the buttons you desire - really I recommend no more than 6, list the call to actions you'd most like people to click on.
  7. Make your URL something like /instagram or /links
  8. Make sure you haven't got this linked somewhere on your website and just have it as a background page people can only access when they have the link.
  9. Publish your new page and copy/paste the URL into your Instagram bio.

If you'd like to see mine as an example, check out my Instagram. I also include this as built page within my website design package.

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